- Working Days: 09-18:30h, Weekend: Closed
- info@pulskardioloskicentar.rs
Home » Price List
ECG - Electrocardiogram | 1.200 |
Blood Pressure Monitoring | 7.000 |
Holter ECG | 8.000 |
Holter ECG 48h | 15.200 |
Holter ECG 72h | 22.400 |
Holter (ECG&Blood Pressure) | 15.000 |
Heart Ultrasound | 7.400 |
Abdominal Ultrasound | 5.000 |
Thyroid ultrasound | 5.000 |
Breast ultrasound | 5.000 |
Carotid doppler ultrasound | 6.900 |
Doppler ultrasound of blood vessels of the legs | 6.900 |
Doppler ultrasound of an arm | 6.900 |
Renal artery doppler | 6.900 |
Abdominal aortic doppler | 6.900 |
Transcranial doppler ultrasound | 7.400 |
Unsedated Gastroscopy | 16.000 |
Gastroscopy With Anesthesia | 21.900 |
Sedation-Free Colonoscopy | 19.000 |
Colonoscopy With Anesthesia | 24.200 |
Cranial X-Ray | 4.000 |
X-ray of the Paranasal sinuses | 3.500 |
X-ray of the Nasal Bone (AP+II view) | 4.000 |
Cervical Spine X-ray | 4.000 |
Shoulder X-ray | 3.500 |
Upper Arm X-ray | 4.000 |
Elbow X-ray | 4.000 |
Forearm X-ray | 4.000 |
Wrist X-ray | 4.000 |
Hand X-ray | 4.000 |
Thoracic spine X-ray | 4.000 |
Chest X-ray | 4.000 |
Lung X-ray | 3.500 |
Abdominal X-ray | 3.500 |
X-ray of the Urinary Tract - Native Image | 3.500 |
Lumbar Spine X-ray | 4.000 |
Pelvic and Hip X-ray | 3.500 |
Pelvic and Hip X-ray in Two Projections | 4.000 |
Femur (Upper Leg) X-ray | 4.000 |
Knee X-ray | 4.000 |
Lower Leg X-ray | 4.000 |
Ankle Joint X-ray | 4.000 |
Heel X-ray | 3.500 |
Foot X-ray | 4.000 |
Cancer Detection - 11 Shots | 15.000 |
CT Scanner: | without contrast | with contrast |
MSCT 1 segment | 11.000 | 14.200 |
MSCT 2 segments | 18.000 | 21.000 |
MSCT 3 segments | 26.300 | |
MSCT 4 segments | 31.500 | |
MSCT 5 segments | 34.700 | |
MSCT of the Head | 11.000 | 14.200 |
MSCT of the cervical spine | 11.000 | 14.200 |
MSCT of the thoracic spine | 11.000 | 14.200 |
MSCT of the lumbar spine | 11.000 | 14.200 |
Whole spine MSCT | 22.400 | |
Chest MSCT | 11.000 | 14.200 |
MSCT of the hips | 11.000 | 14.200 |
Abdominal MSCT | 11.000 | 14.200 |
MSCT of the pelvis | 11.000 | 14.200 |
Soft tissue MSCT | 11.000 | 14.200 |
Upper thighs MSCT | 11.000 | 14.200 |
MSCT of the shoulders | 11.000 | 14.200 |
MSCT of the upper arms | 11.000 | 14.200 |
MSCT of the wrist | 11.000 | 14.200 |
MSCT of the feet | 11000 | 14.200 |
MSCT of the orbit | 11.000 | 14.200 |
MSCT of the joint | 11.000 | 14.200 |
MSCT of the knee | 11.000 | 14200 |
MSCT of the lower leg | 11.000 | 14.200 |
MSCT of the sinus cavity | 11.000 | 14.200 |
MSCT urography | 21.000 | |
MSCT calcium score | 11.000 | |
MSCT coronary angiography | 29.400 | |
MSCT coronary angiography & abdominal and thoracic aorta angiography | 45.200 | |
MSCT coronary angiography & thoracic aorta angiography | 39.900 | |
MSCT coronary angiography & abdominal aorta angiography | 39.900 | |
MSCT angiography 2 segments | 22.600 | |
MSCT angiography 3 segments | 29.900 | |
MSCT head (brain) angiography | 16.300 | |
MSCT angiography of blood vessels of the neck (carotid) | 16.300 | |
MSCT angiography of the head and neck | 22.600 | |
MSCT aortography | 21.000 | |
MSCT angiography of the thoracic aorta | 16.300 | |
MSCT angiography of the abdominal aorta | 16.300 | |
MSCT abdominal angiography (liver, renal arteries) | 16.500 | |
MSCT pelvic angiography | 16.500 | |
MSCT angiography of the abdominal aorta and lower extremities | 27.300 | |
MSCT angiography of the upper extremities | 19.600 | |
MSCT angiography with phlebography 1 segment | 31.500 | |
MSCT pulmonangiography | 16.300 | |
MSCT of the chest with pulmonangiography | 23.100 | |
MSCT of the head with angiography of the head | 22.000 | |
MSCT of the head with angiography of the head and neck | 26.300 | |
MSCT enterography | 26.300 | |
MSCT arcus | 16.300 | |
MSCT arcus with neck angiography | 21.000 | |
Triple rule out (pulmonary angiography + coronary angiography+ angiography of the thoracic aorta) | 41.000 | |
FFR MSCT - Fractional Flow Reserve | 36.700 | |
MSCT examination MD Branislav Lukač - 1 segment | 31.000 | |
MSCT examination MD Branislav Lukač - 2 segments | 33.000 | |
MSCT examination MD Branislav Lukač - 3 segments | 36.000 | |
CT scan second opinion | 14.000 |
General surgery diagnostic service | 6.900 |
Follow-up appointment (within one month) | 4.000 |
Vascular diagnostic service | 6.900 |
Follow-up appointment (within one month) | 4.000 |
General practitioner exam | 2.500 |
Orthopedic evaluation | 6.900 |
Follow-up appointment (within one month) | 4.000 |
Cardiologist consultation with ECG | 7.000 |
Cardiologist check-up with ECG & ECHO | 11.900 |
Arrhythmologist examination | 12.000 |
Professor examination with ECG | 12.000 |
Professor examination with ECG & Ultrasound | 16.000 |
Asistent profesor examination (ECG & Ultrasound) | 12.000 |
Academician exmaniation | 19.000 |
Follow-up cardiologist consultation with ECG | 4.900 |
ECG | 1.200 |
Ultrasound of the heart | 7.400 |
Expert ultrasound examination of the heart | 10.000 |
Cardiac stress test | 12.000 |
Stress ECHO test | 14.000 |
Pharmacological stress test | 17.000 |
Assessment of coronary flow reserve (CFR) | 16.000 |
Holter ECG | 8.000 |
Holter ECG 48h | 15.200 |
Holter ECG 72h | 22.400 |
BP holter | 7.000 |
Combined Holter ( ECG&BP ) | 15.000 |
Lab analysis | 3.000 |
Pacemaker check with consultation | 12.000 |
Cardovascular Suregon Examination | 10.000 |
Expert team examination ( cardiovascular surgeon, cardiologist, interventional cardiologist ) | 35.000 |
Cardiologist check-up with ECG & ECHO:
PACKAGE PRICE: 11.900 din.
Basic heart examination:
PACKAGE PRICE: 20.000 din.
Total heart examination:
PACKAGE PRICE: 47.400 din.
Preoperative cardiac examination:
PACKAGE PRICE: 12.900 din.
Special examination for smokers:
PACKAGE PRICE: 27.500 din.
Atherosclerosis - Basic package:
PACKAGE PRICE: 16.800 din.
Atreroskleroza - prošireni paket:
PACKAGE PRICE: 19.800 din.
Atreroskleroza - prošireni paket 2:
PACKAGE PRICE: 25.700 din.
Pediatric cardiologist Examination with ECG | 8.000 |
Cardiac stress test | 12.000 |
Cardiac stress test (with a preliminary examination within a month) | 8.000 |
Examination, ECG, Echo and opinion | 14.000 |
Fetal ultrasound | 13.000 |
Gastroenterologist examination | 6.900 |
Follow-up appointment (within one month) | 4.000 |
Gastroenterologist examination with ultrasound of the abdomen | 10.000 |
Gastroscopy | 16.000 |
Gastroscopy in analgosedation | 21.900 |
Colonoscopy | 19.000 |
Colonoscopy in analgosedation | 24.200 |
Gastroscopy & Colonoscopy in analgosedation | 42.000 |
Radiology Exam | 6.900 |
Endocrinology Exam | 6.900 |
Follow-up appointment (within one month) | 4.000 |
Thyroid ultrasound | 5.000 |
Pulmonary exam | 7.000 |
Follow-up appointment (within one month) | 4.000 |
Spirometry | 1.500 |
Urological Exam | 6.900 |
Follow-up appointment (within one month) | 4.000 |
Nephrology (kidney) exam | 6.900 |
Follow-up appointment (within one month) | 4.000 |
Neurological Exam | 6.900 |
Follow-up appointment (within one month) | 4.000 |
TCD - Transcranial doppler | 7.400 |
Neurological package 1
PACKAGE PRICE: 12.000 din.
Neurological package 2
PACKAGE PRICE: 17.000 din.
Headache package
PACKAGE PRICE: 36.000 din.
Dizziness package
PACKAGE PRICE: 36.000 din.
Examination of the etiology of stroke
PACKAGE PRICE: 56.000 din.
Psychiatrist consultation (assessment and diagnosis) | 17.000 |
Psychiatric treatments (individualized, biopsychosocial) | 13.000 |
Individual psychotherapy | 13.000 |
Family psychotherapy | 15.000 |
Couples therapy | 15.000 |
Examination ORL Specialist | 6.900 |
Follow-up appointment (within one month) | 4.000 |
Examination by a specialist dietitian | 6.900 |
Follow-up appointment with the dietitian | 4.000 |
Creation of a personalized diet | 3.100 |
Hematologist Examination | 6.900 |
Examination by a professor / associate professor of hematology | 12.000 |
Follow-up appointment (within one month) | 4.000 |
Inspection and plaster removal | |
Inspection and replacement of existing plaster | |
Corrections of existing plaster | |
Plaster Leg | |
Plaster Arm | |
Plastični gips za ruke | |
Plastični gips za noge |
Hospital Puls Dedinje, focused on rapid diagnosis and treatment of almost all medical conditions
Neznanog Junaka 15, 11050 Dedinje